The documents in this chapter include official statements from foreign governments, embassy, or national leaders, as well as intergovernmental organisations, such as the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), addressing their own perspectives on AUKUS trilateral nuclear cooperation.

China published several sets of remarks specifically on AUKUS, expressing grave concern and asserting that AUKUS is illegal and hypocritical. Russia did not publish any official statement targeting AUKUS, but one interview of Vladimir Putin and his two addresses referred to AUKUS as an aggressive, block-creating effort by the West. China and Russia released a joint statement on their shared interests in a variety of issues, condemning AUKUS an effort to undermine security and sustainable development of the Asia-Pacific region.

Japan released two bilateral joint statements with Australia, two trilateral joint statements with the United States and Australia at the ministerial level, and four ambassador-level statements, reiterating its consistent support for AUKUS as security cooperation based on non-proliferation. Most recently, a joint statement between Japan and the United States in April 2024 recognised “Japan’s strengths and the close bilateral defence partnerships with the AUKUS countries,” noting that the AUKUS partners “are considering cooperation with Japan on AUKUS Pillar II advanced capability projects.”38

The Philippines released a statement urging AUKUS to align with existing regional cooperations, such as the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), and follow the global non-proliferation standard set by the IAEA. Vietnam remarked that it hoped AUKUS will contribute to regional peace, stability, cooperation, and development. Malaysia fully supported AUKUS in its first statement and urged the AUKUS members and concerning parties to comply with the existing non-proliferation regime and norms in its second statement. Indonesia expressed deep concerns over the arms race and power projection in the region in an official statement.

Finally, the IAEA released several reports regarding AUKUS, and the Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi of the IAEA announced a counter statement on the joint announcement by the AUKUS members in March 2023, emphasising the importance of non-proliferation and each member’s respective safeguards agreements and additional protocols.

38 “United States-Japan Joint Leaders’ Statement,” White House, April 10, 2024,