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Dr Ian Langford: Defence strategy sets out the detail but can it deliver?

17 April, 2024

Yesterday, the Australian government released its 2024 National Defence Strategy and 2024 Integrated Investment Program.

In an op-ed in The Australian today, Security & Defence PLuS Executive Director Dr Ian Langford writes that the strategy “ultimately fulfils its commitments first articulated in [Australia’s] 2024 Defence Strategic Review. Whether capabilities can be delivered fast enough, relative to a changing security environment, remains to be seen.”

In order to meet the challenge, Ian notes, it will be necessary “to institutionalise defence and national security as a truly strategic endeavor” for which “separating AUKUS pillar I (submarines) from the Defence budget would be a start.”

On AUKUS pillar II (emerging technology), “[o]vercoming bureaucracy inside and outside the government will be key” to achieving “the kind of asymmetric advantage fundamental to [Deputy Prime Minister Richard] Marles’s strategy of denial.”

Click to read the full piece on The Australian’s website.
